Dr. Ferguson specializes in the treatment of:
- Anxiety disorders - Trauma/PTSD - Relationship issues - Eating/Body image disorders - Career Counseling - Addictions and other compulsive behaviors - Adults and adolescents (age 13+) - Individual, couples and family therapy - Therapy modalities used: The foundations of Dr. Ferguson's training and experience are made up of cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and experiential/somatic/emotion-focused therapies, with multicultural and developmental influences. Over the years, use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, mindfulness and meditation approaches, Polyvagal theory and Internal Family Systems / ego states interventions have become an important part of her healing work with clients. - General therapy approach: Dr. Ferguson believes that therapy is a collaborative process of exploring an individual’s concerns to gain insight into how and why their problems developed. Sometimes problems stem from early childhood experiences or other traumas we have experienced in our lives. Other times problems develop because we haven't yet developed the skills to cope with changing life circumstances, or the stress of work, relationships and even our own emotional reactions to things. Dr. Ferguson strives to provide a safe and comfortable environment in which to explore your concerns and experiment with new ways of relating to yourself and others. She works with clients to increase their self-awareness, self-acceptance, and options for coping with distress. Clients from all cultural backgrounds, including all racial and ethnic groups, religious and spiritual traditions, sexual orientations and gender preferences, disability statuses, etc. are welcome. |
Location |
Dr. Ferguson's Private Practice Office Ph: (910) 444-1837 |